Flaton has a lot of features, so it will take you too much time to read about all our features. We present to you list
of the main features. You can check the pages to see the features.
We have 04+ pre-build home pages designed. They will help you to quickly complete your creative website.
Flaton is a responsive theme. It means that the site will look good on iPhones, iPads, Android Devices, etc.
We provide a Redux Framework plugin. You can change color, layout and anything you want in one click.
Flaton comes with a mega menu plguin that is perfect for displaying large menu. You can add widget if you want.
Font Awesome Icons is included with Flaton. You can set for your Featured text, Menus, Headings and anywhere you need.
Flaton comes with Google Fonts that you can set for your Body text, Menus, Headings.
Flaton comes with Visual Composer plugin . You can easily create pages in a snap without remembering any shortcodes.
Flaton includes the Awesome Slider Revolution plugin. You will save $19 when you purchase our theme.
Flaton is compatible with WPML plugin. You can build a multilingual site with WPML plugin.
WooCommerce integration allows you to build any kind of shop. We provides many shortcodes to display your products.
We have Color Picker so you can easily and quickly change the colors of many elements on your pages.
Flaton's Documentation is very clear and detailed. You will be able to use the theme easily.
We provide sample content in theme package. It will help you to build a website look like our demo easily, just some clicks.
Our support team is very professional. They have many experiences. You will enjoy working with them.
We always listen to my customers. Because they will help us to make the theme better in the future.
Visual Composer will help you create a website easier than ever. You do not need to remember any shortcodes.
It will make your work much more enjoyable and also save your time.
Not just support WooCommerce, Flaton comes with exclusive designs integration. This allows you to create a professional eCommerce website in a snap.
Flaton comes with many hover product styles and more in the future. Check the demos to see by yourself.
Like other eCommerce websites, you will get payment processing standard. It is really helpful for your business.
We have a lot of shortcodes for you. You can show your products in grid or slider layout or some products on sale. It is very easy.